Tuesday 13 October 2015

New Space

So what happens to the children who can't control their impulses during lunchtime?  Warnings, steps, lunchclub??

Some people just need to have structure and guidance to be able to have a successful lunchtime.

I was getting sick and tired of hearing about Mr J and how right before the bell rang decided to hit such and such, or kicked a ball away, or used a stick, or used PE equipment inappropriately.

Enough was enough.  It was super easy to identify that he needed support and structure put in place for to be able to succeed.  So... I thought I would open up my room for one day a week where he (and others) can play/titu/interact with others with supervision.

Week 1:  Even though he is doing what he has chosen he is struggling to interact appropriately with equipment and others.  I have heard his name been called out 2 times while I am typing this.  I brought him over to me and tried to talk about how being deliberately annoying was SUPER annoying!!!  He has settled down and is enjoying playing with the blocks at the moment.  Long may it last.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

ULearn 2015

I am lucky enough to be sitting in a seminar right now with HUNDREDS of other teachers listening to speakers inspiring us all to teach our children the way of the future.