Monday 18 May 2015

Must dos/Can dos but won't...

After having a discussion with Andrea, I have realised that Must dos and Can dos need to be obtainable to everyone.  Why is it that on a Thursday just before morning tea we have a circle of boys waiting for us on the mat to be told that they haven't completed their work, again!

How must they be feeling when they have failed week after week?  And what have I done about it?  I got them to complete their work, in a messy, rushed and done for compliance kind of way.  What is the point of that?

I am going to trial on Mr HB a separate sheet that is specific to him.  This is to build up his confidence and motivation when he is not supervised by me.

Exciting!!  Let the printing and laminating begin!!!

MLE Matrix

Here is a great place to start looking while you are working within/developing a FLE

MLE Matrix

So what...

Right, here I go!  I am an experienced teacher (9 years!!) who is lucky enough to find herself working in a Flexible learning environment.  I LOVE it!!  I am focusing my Teacher Inquiry on how to develop a successful, motivational and exciting learning environment for my kids to work in.  I am also taking this down another track as my other passion in education is working with Boys, tricky, messy, unmotivated... Boys!

This blog will see the ups and downs that is to be had with beginning a new environment!